Friday, March 2, 2012

Countermand the Current

The wind blows across the pond
sending waves towards one side.
The birds swim noisily through the waves
to rest in their designated spots.

Geese in this corner. Swans in another.
Ducks scattered throughout.
Honking, hissing, quacking, cackling,
nature's symphony is quite loud.

Plop, plop goes the lone duck
as his head submerges.
Feathered backside greets my eyes
and my laugh emerges.

Watching the duck as it's head dives in
and backside bobs time and again
I notice ripples roam around this bathing bird.

How can one small fowl cause such a change
in the course of the wind driven waves? Against
the flow the ripples go; over and over again.

It only takes one to create a ripple.
It only takes one to change the course.
It only takes one to turn the tide.
It only takes one to start this ride.

The wind continues to blow
waves across the pond.
Each bird continues to
countermand the current.

Endless Struggle
but still
The ability to change
One ripple begets another
which in turn
begets one more.

The wind blows across the pond
sending waves towards one side.
Each bird continues to
countermand the current.
It only takes one to change the course.

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