Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Peace

Why is it that it takes a holiday
For people to come close together?
And why is it that there’s no other way
For us to show love for one another?

We should let the whole world know
That we all are one with each other;
And no matter what the world does now
We should change.

The world it should live in sweet harmony
And we should all give of ourselves;
And peace on earth, good will towards men
Should rule from this lifetime till the end.

Well we should let the Christmas Peace
Ring through the world each and every day
So we can all know we’re not alone. 
And if we let the Christmas peace
Ring through the world each and everyday
Then we could all feel that we’re at home. 

And the world could be a better place
For the entire human race
If the Christmas Peace could just live on.

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